
Assessments are used to make objective judgements about performance, knowledge and attitude. It involves collecting evidence and making decisions about that person’s competence based on that evidence.

No fine distinctions are required for assessing competence. A person either meets the standard or does not. The person is either competent or not-yet-competent.

In general the assessment process includes the following:

  • Evidence collection
  • Formal assessment
  • Feedback

Evidence collection

As competence is a delicate combination of skill, knowledge and attitude it is absolutely vital that the presented evidence contains elements of all three of them.

Formal assessment

In most instances the formal assessment is nothing more than bringing collected evidence together and to make an objective judgement if the presented evidence is sufficient to declare “Competence”.


Although officially not part of an assessment, it is clearly an important part, as assessments are not only meant to measure competence, but also to help employees in their further development. Constructive feedback will increase the self-awareness of employees and will encourage self-development.

Competence Assurance process

Following is a simplified diagram demonstrating the different components of the CAP and their relationships:

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Skill Units Assessment Standards Assessments Personal Development Training Courses Levels of Competence Evidence of Performance Job Profiles Key Skills

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