Evidence of Performance

Methods of Collecting Evidence

Following is an overview of systems that can be used to collect evidence:

      - Self-Assessment
      - Supervisor Evaluation
      - Winess Testimony
      - Activity Portfolio
      - Observation of Work Performance
      - Structured Interview
      - 360° Feedback
      - Course Certificate

Selection of the system to be used depends on the type of activity that needs to be assessed

Evidence Assessment, important evidence of performance

Evidence portfolio

For the collection of the required work-based evidence an evidence portfolio is recommended. This portfolio can be filled with hard copies, but this would involve quite a substantial amount of documentation. For practical reasons it is, therefore, recommended to limit the use of hard copies and where possible revert to electronic means or to use an overview of references to documents or reports.

The index of the evidence portfolio should contain an overview of the:

      ➣ Selected Key Skills for assessment
      ➣ Required levels of competence
      ➣ Selected methods of collecting evidence for each Key Skill
      ➣ Agreed dates for completing the collection of evidence

The portfolio is vital to enable each employee to collect the evidence agreed with the assessor that will demonstrate competence. An employee cannot succeed without it!

As a result of the assessment learning suggestions to bridge the gap may be identified.

Evidence Assessment, part of the Sogos Competence Assurance Programme

Competence Assurance process

Following is a simplified diagram demonstrating the different components of the CAP and their relationships:

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Skill Units Assessment Standards Assessments Personal Development Training Courses Levels of Competence Evidence of Performance Job Profiles Key Skills

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